Dou, R., Villa, N., Cian, H., Sunbury, S., Sadler, P. M., & Sonnert, G. (2025). Unlocking STEM Identities Through Family Conversations About Topics In and Beyond STEM: The Contributions of Family Communication Patterns. Behavioral Sciences, 15(2), 106. Link to article
Cian, H., & Dou, R. (2024). Masculinized discourses of STEM interest, performance, and competence that shape university STEM students’ recognition of a “STEM person.” Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 61(5), 1062-1092. Link to article
Dou, R. & Cian, H. (2020). Creating Pathways for Equity in STEM Through Family Engagement: Highlighting the Experiences of Hispanic/Latine Youths. Connected Science Learning, 2(4). Link to article
Cian, H., Dou, R., Castro, S., Palma-D’souza, E., & Martinez, A. (2022). Facilitating marginalized youths’ identification with STEM through everyday science talk: The critical role of parental caregivers. Science Education, 106(1), 57-87. Link to article
Dou, R. & Cian, H. (2023). Childhood Experiences that Support Youth’s STEM Disciplinary Interest Development: Attending to Setting and Activity Type. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1526(1), 138-147. Link to article
Ennes, M., Jones, M. G., Cian, H., Dou, R., Abramowitz, B., Bordewieck, K., Ideus, K. (2023). Family Influence and STEM Career Aspirations. In R. Tierney, F. Rizvi and K. Ercikan (Eds). International Encyclopedia of Education 4e (pp. 370-381). Elsevier. Link to article
7.Ponte, V., Cian, H., Dou, R., & Guerrero, B. (2023). Marginalized youths constructing identities: A literature review of STEM discourses. FIU Undergraduate Research Journal, 1. Link to article
8.Hazari, Z., Dou, R., Sonnert, G., & Sadler, P.M. (2022). Examining the relationship between informal science experiences and physics identity: Unrealized possibilities. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 18, 010107-1 – 010107-14. Link to article
9.Dou, R. & Cian, H. (2022). Constructing STEM identity: An expanded structural model for STEM identity research. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 59(3), 458-490.
*Top Cited Article, 2021–22, Wiley Publishing Link to article
Kayumova, S., & Dou, R. (2022). Equity and justice in science education: Toward a pluriverse of multiple identities and onto-epistemologies. Science Education, 106(5), 1097–1117. Link to article
11.Dou, R., Cian, H., & Espinosa-Suarez, V. (2021). Undergraduate STEM majors on and off the Pre- Med/Health track: A STEM identity perspective. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 20(2), 1-12.Link to article
12.Dou, R., & Cian, H. (2020). The Relevance of Childhood Science Talk as a Proxy for College Students’ STEM Identity at a Hispanic Serving Institution. Research in Science Education, 50, 1–13.
Link to article
Dou, R., Bhutta, K., Ross, M., Kramer, L., & Thamotharan, V. (2020). The effects of computer science stereotypes and interest on middle school boys’ career intentions. ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 20(3), 1-18. Link to article
14.Dou, R., Hazari, Z., Dabney, K., Gerhard, S., & Sadler, P. (2019). Early informal STEM experiences and STEM identity: The importance of talking science. Science Education, 103:623-637. Link to article
Dou, R. (2024, March). The Family-Centric STEM Identity Development model. Harvard University, Science Education Department Seminar, Cambridge, MA.
2.Dou, R. (2023, February). You’re a science person, but it’s not your fault. Thirst for Science, Miami, FL.
3.Dou, R. (Feb. 2022). The Talking Science project: A midway account of an NSF CAREER journey. Brown Bag Speaker, Purdue University, Virtual.
4.Bang, M. (Facilitator), Boyce, A., Dou, R., Jayaraman, S., & Vossoughi, S. (Oct. 2021). Rethinking rigor: Considering racism and colonialism in ISE research methods. Panelist, 2021 NSF AISL Awardee Meeting, Virtual.
5.Dou, R. (Sept. 2021). Talking Science: Conversations. Keynote Speaker, CELL-MET EEK! Mini Conference, Virtual.
Awsaf, A.A., Cian, H., & Dou, R. (2024, March). A Systematic Literature Review of Survey Research on Engineering Identity. Presented Paper, 2024 NARST Annual International Conference, Denver, CO.
Villa, N., Dou, R., & Cian, H. (2024, March). Building on Curiosity to Support Youth Science Identity Development Through Caregiver-Child Conversations. Presented Paper, 2024 NARST Annual International Conference, Denver, CO.
Dou, R., & Cian, H. (2024, March). Considering the Family-Centric STEM Identity Development model to support inclusivity in designing STEM learning experiences. Symposium Presentation, 2024 NARST Annual International Conference, Denver, CO.
Dou, R. & Cian, H. (2023, April). Familial STEM identity: Reframing “STEM identity” to consider social units. Presented Paper, 2023 AERA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Dou, R. & Cian, H. (2023, April). Using familial STEM identity to understand identity development through social units. Presented Paper, 2023 NARST Annual International Conference, Chicago, IL.
Guerrero, G., Dou, R., & McCartney, M. (April 2023). Mapping the Training Ground: LCA of Graduate Student Perceptions of SciComm. Presented Paper, 2023 NARST Annual International Conference, Chicago, IL.
Dou, R. & Cian, H. (2023, April). A pluriversal model for equity in family and youth STEM identity research praxis. Symposium Presentation, 2023 NARST Annual International Conference, Chicago, IL.
Neris, W.R. & Dou, R. (2022, September). Motivational wellness: Predicting postsecondary remedial math enrollment. Presented Paper, NCTM Research Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Cian, H. & Dou, R. (April 2022). Under-realized STEM capital: consequences of college STEM Ssudents’ perceptions of their immigrant mothers’ STEM affiliation. Presented Paper, 2022 AERA Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Ponte, V., Cian, H., Dou, R., & Guerrero, B. (2022, March). Marginalized youths and how “STEM Talk” affects their affiliation with STEM. Poster, Undergraduate Research – Florida International University Conference, Miami, FL.
Cian H. & Dou, R. (October 2021). The structure of STEM talk and STEM identities in practice, at home, and in school. Presented Paper, 2021 Southeastern Association for Science Teacher Education Annual Conference.
Cian, H. & Dou, R. (April 2021). Content, context, and structure of family STEM conversations and their Influence on STEM identity. Presented Paper, 2021 NARST Annual International Conference, Virtual.
Martinez, A., Dou, R., & Cian H. (April 2021). ‘It was just a completely different change in environment’: How immigration history contributes to family capital, STEM engagement, and STEM identity. Presented Paper, 2021 NARST Annual International Conference, Virtual.
Palma-D’Souza, E., Dou, R., & Cian H. (April 2021). Who is a STEM person?: Analysis of criteria used to define and differentiate STEM people. Presented Paper, 2021 NARST Annual International Conference, Virtual.
Castro, S., Cian H., & Dou, R. (April 2021). Parent gender as a contributing factor in the development of college students’ STEM identity. Presented Paper, 2021 NARST Annual International Conference, Virtual.